Het grote “MAEVA RULES THE WAVES” lied
Rule Maeva, Maeva rules the waves
The captain and his maid shall always be the braves
When the Maeva first, at Bart’s command
Arose from the ocean,
Arose from, arose from out of the blue ocean
These were the words, the words he wrote in sand
And he sung as the Maeva’s captain
Rule Maeva, Maeva rules the waves
The captain and his maid shall always be the braves
Bart was in need for a captain’s maid
Cooking, handling the boat hook and the O-shit
But also singing talent and know how to use the sewing kit
These were the skills next to the expertise in first aid
Rule Maeva, Maeva rules the waves
The captain and his maid shall always be the braves
He met Marian and settled in Ostend
Soon they set course for the haven of Newport
Bart became consul of the E ponton in the seaport
With 4sail Marian and Bart sailed at worlds’ end
Rule Maeva, Maeva rules the waves
The captain and his maid shall always be the braves
Marian is the queen of sail cooking
And perfect host on the boat
Fovea, Clover, Vaka Moana, Kaliope, Dominant, Waypoint and Sukha all know Some anecdote
And joined the Maeva to Dunkirk, Cadzand, Ostend, England and even the Carib while sailing
Rule Maeva, Maeva rules the waves
The captain and his maid shall always be the braves
One of their dreams was crossing the ocean
And now the big day has come
Over the waves and far away with bottles full of rum
We wish you fair winds and following seas across the ocean
Rule Maeva, Maeva rules the waves
The captain and his maid shall always be the braves